Enterprise Architecture

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Enterprise Architecture

Digizai helps enterprises with their Enterprise Architecture (EA) by providing a comprehensive approach to the development and execution of their strategy. Our team of experts utilizes architecture principles and practices to guide organizations through the necessary changes in their business, information, process, and technology. Our approach leverages the various aspects of an enterprise to identify, motivate, and achieve these changes, ensuring the successful implementation of their strategy. Our EA services ensure that our clients have a well-defined practice for conducting enterprise analysis, design, planning, and implementation, resulting in improved alignment between business and technology and better execution of their strategy.


Enterprise architecture provides support in the areas related to design and re-design of the organizational structures during mergers, acquisitions or during general organizational change.

Enterprise architecture supports investment decision-making and work prioritization.[13][14]
Project management – Enterprise architecture enhances the collaboration and communication between project stakeholders. Enterprise architecture contributes to efficient project scoping and to defining more complete and consistent project deliverables.

Enterprise architecture increases the speed of requirement elicitation and the accuracy of requirement definitions, through publishing of the enterprise architecture documentation.

Enterprise architecture is found to help enforce discipline and standardization of IT planning activities and to contribute to a reduction in time for technology-related decision making.

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